Our eight-step process consists of the following:
- Initial client meeting

We’ll meet with you to collaborate and discuss what your goals are with the video to be produced. We’ll discuss what message you’re trying to convey to promote your brand, products and services and define a specific marketing message for your video.
Next, we’ll examine the budget and determine any constraints based on it.
And, finally we will take that information and generate a proposal for you and deliver that proposal. If the proposal is acceptable, we will meet and sign our sales contract and get the ball rolling!
- Script development and client review

Veracious will take the elements of the approved video proposal and we’ll develop a script or set of scripts. These might include a script for actors, a separate voice over script, and a separate shooting script or a combination of all three.
Once completed, we will submit the scripts to you for your review and approval. Of course any revisions that you need will be discussed and applied to the scripts of appropriate.

- Pre-production
Our pre-production process starts with doing location and site surveys of the areas that video will be shot in. If interviews will be needed, we will identify an appropriate area for shooting those.
We will also determine any other locations that will be needed for shooting BROLL to be used as cutaways that convey what your business is and what it’s all about!
All of that will allow us to generate a list of equipment that we will need to use for the shoot day such as lighting, cameras, lenses etc.
The production schedule will be determined and finalized during this phase. At the end of this process, the booking of talent and crew members will be taken care of and guided by the budget and schedule.

- Shoot day plan development. Plan the shoot and shoot the plan!
Once pre-production is complete, we will develop the production day shot lists and call sheets so that everyone associated with the production understands their roles, what is expected of them and what to expect for each day of the planned shoot.

- Production commences!
The big day is finally here! We will source and bring in all of the required resources, both human and material, to create the video. The production may span multiple days depending on what has been agreed upon to be included in your video. Or it may just be a single day of shooting. Obviously your participation in this phase will be critical to the success of the production.
- Post production

Once production wraps, veracious will take all of the media that has been created from the production phase back to our post production facilities and begin the work of creating your video marketing product.
This includes an initial backup of all media, both sound and video. Then we will commence video editing, sound editing, mixing and mastering, and the production of a final rough cut master for your review and approval.
- Client review and acceptance

Depending on the number of revision cycles that were agreed to in the initial contract (veracious offers a single revision cycle for each project as standard but more revision cycles can be purchased by you and added to the contract), we will apply any needed corrections or changes.
Once a final edit is agreed upon, veracious will do the finalizing of the video with final color correction and audio mastering. All versions of the video will then be rendered out for delivery to you. These might include formats that are acceptable for Youtube, your website, Instagram or any other social media formats that were agreed upon in the project’s contract.

8. Media delivery and wrap party!
And, finally we will deliver the finalized media to you and celebrate the completion of the project with you!